मेरो बारेमा

Hello,Good morning Sir and madam.

 First of all,Thank you for giving me the opprtunity to intruduce myself    

My nama is Ayusha Magar. I am study in class nine. I am fifteen years old. I am form Ramachhap.

My favourite food Daal Bhat and favourite colour are Blue and Green. Recently i live in Thecho

My goal is to gett a Goverment job. Where i can build my career and help the organization too.

My hobbies are reading books and singing.

Thats all about me. Thank you. 














संक्षिप्त विवरण

नाम Ayusha Magar
कक्षा कक्षा ९
बिद्यालय श्री सरस्वती माध्यमिक विद्यालय
लिङ्ग महिला
ठेगाना hhh - वडा न. १ , आमाछोदिङमो गाउँपालिका - रसुवा , बागमती प्रदेश